30% Fundraising For Your School/Organization

Please register your PTA/PTO/Organization TODAY for our year-round EDUCATIONAL fundraiser, with a focus on SUMMER LEARNING!  Providing quality, effective Practice. Review. Reinforcement. of foundational skills in Math and Reading, Smart Me's fundraiser is a timely, necessary EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES opportunity that will certainly be appreciated by parents!

Register Your School / Organization


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Our Smart Me elementary school fundraiser, Smart Me Summer Learning, is a first-of-its-kind, EVER, year-round fundraiser, with an emphasis on SUMMER LEARNING. This fundraiser comes to offer parents and children an at-home resource for children to PRACTICE. REVIEW. REINFORCE. foundational skills in math and reading/language arts.  Now more than ever, it is necessary for parents to have supplemental resources at home to help schools help children fulfill their academic potential beginning in the early grades, pre-k through 5th. www.smartmecompany.com/products

SUMMER LEARNING is not a novel concept. It's been talked about year after year after year, but never emphasized. Until now!  The impact of COVID-19 on our educational system and on our children's academic progress will likely be felt for many years to come. It is imperative, then, that SUMMER LEARNING be emphasized AND implemented… it can no longer be overlooked. With 30% of proceeds going to your school/organization, a Smart Me Summer Learning Fundraiser is a no brainer… a Win-Win opportunity for all!!! 

It's online. It's easy.
Here's how it works:

1) Register your school/organization here

2) Promote the fundraiser through your school/organization’s website, newsletter, social media, etc.  (Smart Me can help with this)

3) Parents shop

4) Parents select your school/organization’s name/code before checking out

5) Smart Me ships to parents

6) 30% of sales proceeds go to your school/organization.  Proceeds will be paid out the last Friday of each month.

Register Now

Smart Me Company

Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm
Sat. 9am - 6pm
Sun. Closed


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